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Where is Google Calendar Feed Links

If you use a calendar to organize yourself, you can load your Priority Matrix data into your favorite calendar app. This is a powerful integration with Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc. The way this works is sometimes called "internet calendars", because the calendar events are shared via the internet. You can see the available calendars and enable and disable some of them. Each calendar shows you all or part of your data. When you change your Priority Matrix data, the calendar updates automatically. Subscribe to one or more of them, and always be on top of your work.

Note: If you're looking to see how to view your Priority Matrix data in calendar format, inside Priority Matrix itself, we have another article for that.

We should mention that this integration shows up as a separate calendar in your calendar app. That way, it won't interfere with your other scheduled events. It is also easy to switch off this subscription, if necessary.

What calendars can I subscribe to

Subscribe to calendars that Priority Matrix publishes for your account

When you log in to the calendar feed page, you will notice that there are 3 types of feeds. The first two kinds are associated to your account. The third kind is associated to one individual project:

  1. The all your items calendar includes all items in any project you own, regardless of who owns the particular item. This is the calendar most commonly used by users of Priority Matrix personal.
  2. The delegation calendar only includes items that are owned by you. It is a subset of the previous calendar. This is more useful if you are using Priority Matrix with a team, sharing work with collaborators.
  3. The third kind is the project calendar. There is one for each project in your account, and you can turn them on and off. Subscribe to each project separately, keeping your calendar uncluttered.

How to get links to your calendars

The first step to subscribe to a calendar is to get a link to said calendar. The instructions depend on your version of Priority Matrix:

  • On the Priority Matrix web app, click your avatar image on the top-left, and then select "Setup Links".
  • In Priority Matrix for Teams, open the Settings tab, then click "Account setup"
  • When using Priority Matrix for Mac, open the "Data" menu, then select "PM in your Calendar…"
  • On Priority Matrix for Windows, click "Reports" on the left of your screen, then select the "Calendars" tab
  • In general, you can open your account setup link from any browser.

How to subscribe to calendars

The final part depends on what actual calendar system you use. Once you have the calendar URL as explained above, use your calendar system to subscribe to that URL. Here are some basic instructions to subscribe to calendars using some popular apps:

  • Microsoft Outlook
  • and Office 365
  • Google Calendar (note that Google Calendar refreshes only once every 12 hours, so you might notice delays)
  • Apple Calendar, formerly known as iCal
  • iOS Calendar: Go to the Settings app, then to "Mail, Contacts, Calendars", choose "Add Account", then select "Other" and finally "Add Subscribed Calendar". On that screen, paste the URL for the desired calendar. Make sure not to fill out a username and password. Also, turn on SSL connection. Note that to refresh your calendar subscription on iOS you need to:
    • Open Calendar app
    • Tap on "Calendars"
    • Drag down to refresh
  • Android Calendar (see "Add using a link")
  • The folks at UC Berkeley have prepared these instructions on how to make calendar subscriptions work and refresh properly with many calendar clients.
  • Unfortunately, both Outlook for Mac and Microsoft Entourage do not support internet calendar subscriptions (.ics). Alternatively, users of Office 365 can still use Outlook on the web to subscribe to Priority Matrix calendars.

Why does my calendar subscription not refresh

Each calendar app follows its own policy when refreshing external calendars. In our setup, we ask calendar apps to refresh every 10 minutes, but unfortunately not every app follows this recommendation. For example, Google calendar and Outlook online seem to refresh every 12 hours. Sometimes it is possible to choose the frequency. We recommend refreshing often, perhaps every few minutes.

For example, when setting up Apple Calendar, make sure you choose the refresh rate to be 5 minutes. This way your PM items should update more quickly and seamlessly:

Apple calendar setup

We hope you find this feature as useful as we do. If you run into any trouble, please contact our support service. We'll help you find a solution. For example, if you'd like to use a different calendar system, we are all ears!

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Have dozens of tools but still struggle with staying aligned with your team, or staying on top of emails, or spending all your time shuffling priorities? Priority Matrix uses 4-quadrants to help you focus on top priorities and projects. When you use Priority Matrix, you become more effective and ensure that you are spending time where it matters most. Learn more about Priority Matrix.


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